Tuesday, August 18, 2009

My worse nightmare

I was asleep not too deep as usual lately when I felt something walking on my face, or maybe flying nearby. Maybe a mosquito I think so just pushed it away. Still there was no sound of a mosquito. Then I felt something walking on my arm and all of a sudden I’m wide awake and thinking: SPIDER!!!! I stood up on the bed, I grabbed the blanket and shook it. Nothing. I switched on the light and there it was: a huge spider. That thing was not only in my bed but had walked on me. A spider walked on my face!!!!! Imagine if my mouth would have been open I could have swallowed it.
At this point poor Wolfram is awake trying to figure out why there was light all of a sudden and the reason of my screaming. (note for the future) I need to remember than without glasses the guy don’t see much far away so obviously he couldn’t see the spider on the floor now.
While I was in total panic mode incapable of moving he got up, chased it and killed it. On top of which he moved everything in the room to prove me there was no spider left so we could sleep.
It was 4:40am when it happened. I never got back to sleep (nor did Wolfram as a consequence of me being so stressed), keeping my eyes open just in case.

I am now officially at war with spiders. Any suggestion of ammunition is welcome.


Tlou said...

Although I am fascinated by spiders as long as I can watch them on tv documentations I am getting very nervous when we have a bigger specimen (like the one in your blog from Monday, August 10) in our flat. I simply want somebody to take the beast out of my territory until I realize that I’am the man in this household and everybody knows it is some kind of daddy-mission to take care of unwanted guests with eight legs or of those yellow and white flying objects (my wife is allergic to bees and wasps).

So reading your latest blog entry makes me shiver. It sounds like a bad b-movie where spiders are crawling around everywhere and yet it is so real and you hope never to be in that situation. I would have slept just as little as you did that night – always looking for some more spiders walking around in my bed.

About the ammunition against those intruders…I would suggest to use fly screens at all the windows. It’s a little bit darker (but not that much) in your flat but no problems with crane flies, spiders and all those animals you do not want to have in your home anymore.

Anonymous said...

Spinnen sind nicht das Problem, es sind die Fliegen, die von Spinnen gefangen werden!
Außerdem scheuen sich Spinnen vor Menschen. Wir haben eine Küchenspinne, die mag die Fliegen, die wirklich dicken Spinnen kommen vor der kalten Jahreszeit ins Haus.

Nur keine Bange, gerne darfst du unsere schönen Vogelspinnen besichtigen. Sie sind absolut harmlos und besser als jede Stechmücke!!
