Saturday, August 29, 2009

Another lie from Mobistar

For weeks now it has become a game to ask each Mobistar center I find whether they have iPhones or not. Always the same answer: "No, we don't have any. Each time we get some it's only 5 (to 15; depends on the place) and they are gone in 15min. First come, first served"
Today this answer came with a little something on top: "you can order it on the apple store online"
How come we never heard of this before? Maybe simply because you can't. We checked just in case something had changed since last time we checked but the only way to buy an iPhone in Belgium is via Mobistar.

Now why would he tell a lie? Just to get rid of potential clients? For sure by now, I will never never never become a Mobistar client! Why would I want to use a provider when its people are incompetent, thief (they stole the cable from Conan remember) and now liars.
PS: Apparently we can now order iPhones from the Apple shop in Brussels. It costs 30 euros more and delivery takes between 5 and 10 weeks. Not really worth paying more...

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