Friday, August 7, 2009

Es gibt viele Baustellen

We left the office shortly after 4pm to drive to Stuttgart. My experience of driving in Germany so far as always been slowed down by roadworks. Germany is famous for having highways where you can drive as fast as you want - in principle. Now when there are roadworks every 10km or so, forget about speed and think more about traffic jams. But it's not because it happened to you several times in the past that it will happen again. Hopefully at some point those highways must be in good shape to be driven.
Well that was not today as we had to slow down I don't know how many times due to roadworks. It turned out a good opportunity for me to learn a new word in German: Baustelle i.e. roadwork.
To entertain ourselves we also looked at the license plates hoping to see some funny ones. We caught a bird:

who got Knock-Out but recovered and was OK in the end.

We arrived at Wolfram's parents' place shortly before 10pm. I'm happy the trip is over but at the same time a bit anxious about meeting his parents. Now I regret I didn't have more time to refresh my German (yes the one I haven't studied or talked for at least 5 years...)

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