Sunday, August 8, 2010

Macarons by Marcolini

This afternoon, tea time, Alice came over so we could watch all the photos from our vacation and see what she has done in the extra week over there.
She surprised us with a box of macarons from Marcolini. Here is what we found inside:
Some traditional:
- chocolate "macaroon shell, cream with chocolate from Venezuela"
- caramel "macaroon shell, light cream flavoured with salted butter caramel"
Some more to be eaten only if you are older than 18:
- Mojito "macaroon shell, delicate cream laced with white rum and fresh mint"
- Punch coco "macaroon shell, cream flavoured with white rum and sprinkled with grated coconut"
- Vodka melon "macaroon shell, cream with vodka and fresh taste of melon, with a hint of mint"
Absolutely fantastic. Of course all depends of which cocktail you prefer, but I have to say it's a pretty good idea to make macarons with cocktail flavour.

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