Thursday, November 20, 2008

Snapshots from Lucknow

Given I was to spend only 36hours in Lucknow and that the agenda was pretty busy, I didn’t have much time for sightseeing. I have therefore renewed with one of Monika’s and I favourite activities while on business trip: pictures from the taxi. This will give you a feel of the place and its streets. Keep it mind those pictures were taken from different cars so don’t expect high quality pictures here.
PS: cows are sacred in India, and we saw many of them hanging around in the streets. You cannot hurt them or move them at your convenience. If a cow is on your way, figure out a way around because it’s not going to move.
PS2: still the cows, I grew up thinking cows eat grass, from the field, or some variation of that. In India cows have to improvised for food so they eat whatever they can find on the street that is vegetarian: banana skins, leaves, fruits, any vegetable trash… and that’s a pretty easy job for them to find food as people just put all their trash on the street.

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