Sunday, December 27, 2009

Xenophobe's guide to the French

I promised you the French and here are some crispy quotes.
"The French see themselves as the only truly civilised people in the world. Long ago they discovered the absolutes, the certainties, of life, and thus they feel they have a duty to lead and illuminate the rest"
"Since the French are so full of their own self-esteem, they don't really care how others see them"
"What makes French snobbery easier to accept is that it is based on good taste"
"French women believe in feminism, but not at the price of femininity. They still want to be wooed and seduced"
"English children look like devils and behave like devils. French children look like angels and behave like devils"
"Traffic rules are regarded by the French as interesting suggestions which might be considered if one hadn't something far more important in mind"
"One of the first laws the German army imposed on the citizens of Paris in 1940 was that they should cross the roads only at specifically appointed places. The Third Reich was, from that moment, doomed"
"The French greeting kiss, as distinct from the French Kiss, as a subtle affair. As a general rule, observe what's going on around you and act accordingly"
"Seduction is an art form to be practised only among equals"
"Many French films consist simply of several bored people sitting down to a lengthy and wordless meal"
"For the French, enjoyment of food in a good restaurant or in the home of a fine cook, is a spiritual experience, a neo-religious ritual"
"Service must be either useless or excellent - there is no place for the mediocre"
"The way the French deal with bureaucracy is to accept that it is necessary, and indeed proper, but find ways to circumvent it"

PS: the book as note as funny as the one about the Germans maybe because it was not as funny or maybe it's harder to laugh about oneself.

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