Thursday, December 31, 2009


My family happened to live 30 minutes away from Baalbek which is "famous for its exquisitely detailed yet monumentally scaled temple ruins of the Roman period, when Baalbek, known as Heliopolis was one of the largest sanctuaries in the Empire. It is Lebanon's greatest Roman treasure, and it can be counted among the wonders of the ancient world. The largest and most noble Roman temples ever built, they are also among the best preserved."
We spent a couple of hours there exploring the ruins under absolutely fantastic sunny blue sky, trying to get good pictures - which we all know is not that easy ;)

What always amazed me about Baalbek (beside the temples obviously) is that it's been standing there for thousands years, and never was damaged by any of the wars in the region through out the centuries. Seems like despite all differences among people, they all agree on the beauty of this site and that we should preserve it...
Have a look at more pictures here.

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