Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Tree #3

This year tree collection is complete. As you can see this year we've put as much light as we could and all the rest on top!
This reminds me I need to get a star to put at the top of mine.
We've already started piling up gifts at the foot of the tree. One obvious observation... we're into big gifts this year and it's becoming a struggle to fit them all under the tree.

Maybe next year, we should introduce size limitation... or get a bigger tree :)

1 comment:

Christian said...

Wunderschön geschmückt ist der Baum und die Pakete stapeln sich äußerst interessant!
Ich bin auf das nächste Jahr gespannt, wenn der Baum größer sein wird!
Wonderful decoration of your Christmas-Tree. I am very interested for the coming year; I think the tree will grow up because the packages become more too!
This time
Merry Christmas to you!

Joyeux Noel à toi et toute ta famille!