Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The positive power of sun

Lately work has been close to insane. We're all working crazy hours, including week-ends and opportunities of distraction are becoming slim. Even during my weekly massage I do not manage to disconnect (I know it's bad). I arrived in Manila Sunday night and have been doing both the consumer research plus the office work, which means even longer days. Today I realized that even if I work as much (if not more) than in Beijing, I feel better. Why is that? The answer is simple: the SUN. Being in a warm and sunny place makes you feel better and helps go through the workload. I feel boosted with positive energy, fully reloaded and ready for new challenges :) I still have 1 day before I go back to Beijing (and Belgium :)) so I will gather as much as I can of this positive sunny energy to ease the return to the cold.

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