Sunday, September 21, 2008


Following the saying "when in Rome do like the Roman" I went to Carrefour and bought a bicycle. I now proudly can ride a pink bicycle (price was more important than color in my selection) with a bell (very useful to let pedestrian know you're coming) and a front basket (where I can put my shopping or bag). After the shaky 1st few minutes where I realized the last time I rode a bike was last Christmas in Paris when we tried Velib, I managed to get back to Somerset safe and sound. It's pretty easy to bike in Beijing as there are lanes for bikes almost everywhere and the city is pretty flat. However I still need to figure out how to go across when I need to make a left turn. Unfortunately today the thunderstorms prevent me from enjoying further my new bike :(

1 comment:

Leo said...

Hey - I want to see a photo! =:)