Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Different perceptions

9 hours in the car
Wolfram will say the trip went easy and smooth, with no traffic and a bit of sun all the way. He might even say it went fast and was positively surprised each time 100km more were completed.
I, on the other hand, was in pain after 15min. I will tell you this trip was long, very long, that I'm happy there was no traffic or it would have been worse, that thinking of the upcoming 600km was nearly killing me.
Clearly the state of mind you are in, defines how you see things. Half full and sunny or half empty and dark.

Now where is the swimming pool to try to rescue what's left of my back?

1 comment:

Patzi said...

you should treat yourself with a massage to ease the pain before your big day!
Don't want to be in pain then, do you