Sunday, April 15, 2012


Some time ago, when I was on sick leave and kept me busy with puzzles, Wolfram surprised me with a new puzzle and a puzzle mat to go with it.
This weekend, after Wolfram carefully ironed the mat to remove all the wrinkles, I could start using it. The advantages are obvious:
- white background so it's easier to see the pieces
- once rolled the puzzle is protected from the cats at night i.e. hours/days of work are not wasted
- once rolled the dinning table is not high jacked for days/weeks while I'm busy with the puzzle i.e. we can have dinner
I was skeptical whether the puzzle would hold when rolled but after the first trial last night, it seems to work.
A good quality puzzle with pieces that stay together when connected does help as well.
Let's see how it goes with more pieces.

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