Thursday, April 12, 2012

Use your legs!

Today I had the second class of the Ecole du dos. The session was with the "ergotherapeute", namely the girl in charge of teaching you how to stand, sit, carry things, etc. in other words how to minimize the impact of everyday tasks on your back.
My key take out of this class is the following: by using more my legs I can reduce the effort on my back.
We spent one and a half hour practising how to carry heavy or light loads, how to stand for long time for example when brushing teeth... I think I knew at 80% of those positions so only learn a bit today. Now whether I use all the positions all the time is another story.
The frustrating part for me was that the "'ergotherapeute" insisted on checking everyone of use individually which means for each position, I had to wait for the other 11 people in the group to try it (and sometimes repeat it until correct). It's a pity she didn't leverage the three assistants there to help manage better the group. We could have been done in one hour if we didn't have to wait for everyone.

Next time I want to get the milk from the fridge, I'll have to remember to use my legs to go down vs. folding myself in two.
 PS: of course the combination of the driving and the exercises killed my back. I spent most of the night trying to fall asleep. They told us it would create pain short term (to help long term), but honestly I could have happily done without the extra pain.

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