Monday, July 19, 2010

Mulu - What do you do in the evening in the rain forest?

To recover from the rain shower, we took real warm showers and had a quick nap. Day had been long.
Around 7pm we wondered: now what? what do we do in the evening in the rain forest? Especially when it's dark and raining?

First you have to be brave and run under the rain to have dinner in the cafe.
Second you have to be brave again to come back to your longhouse.

Then, you get your book and sit outside reading and chatting until you see a night butterfly...

... or a gecko or 2....

... or even a bat!
 We may not have seen the bat exodus, but an hungry bat had decided to fly around our terrace. The game started to manage to get a picture with a bat on it. I managed with the help of Alice announcing when the bat was coming to get some shots where the bat is actually on the picture. I will accept all criticism such as "you have to look twice to see the bat" or "you really need to know it's there", because I'm very proud the bat is on the picture at all.

Note that mosquito repellent is a must in the jungle, especially at night, and even more when you have my skin / blood. Alice claims that when I'm around, you don't need a repellent. I will get all the mosquitoes and keep you safe..

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