Saturday, July 10, 2010

4 days to go

In 4 days I'll be leaving for Malaysia. I have to confess that I cannot wait for those vacations. Not only because I want to escape from work :) but especially because I want to go back to Asia, discover a new place, have some massage and above all some beach time.
Everything that had to be done before is done (yeah!!!):
- hotels and airport transfers are booked
- local flights are booked
- sun cream, mosquitoes spray and other pharmacy elements are bought
- new flip flops are ready to be tried
- extra memory cards for the camera have been bought (as I will not carry along the computer I needed to make sure to have enough memory... 10Go should do?)
- all summer clothes are washed and almost ready to be packed (just need a bit of ironing :()
- even the preventive malaria treatment is bought
If feels good to be almost there!

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