Friday, January 2, 2009

No internet at home :(

While I'm in China I have suspended my phone / internet connection at home. As a consequence I am re-discovering life without internet. It is when you don't have it anymore that you realize how often and how much we use internet in our everyday life. Let's face it. Where do you look when you need a phone number or an information, when you want to keep in touch with your family and friends, when you want to order a book or a DVD, when you want to check the weather forecast, etc.? Internet is usually the answer. And when you don't have it, well, you remember the existence of the yellow pages (paper version of course), you might send a letter / card and get the chance to spend half an hour in the post office standing in line, you go to shops and buy more things than planned because it's sales in Belgium (already!), you just look outside for the weather and hope it's not going to change, or you go to a friend's place or a cyber cafe where you can access internet and keep on checking your emails and google everything as you are used to :)


rajah said...

You are not the only one

rajah said...

english version :