Monday, May 4, 2009

After a fantastic time to the zoo (still I wish we had more time to see the rest) and still dreaming of the cute pandas we grabbed a taxi to go to Yashow. Before flying to Manila we had to pick up the shirts we ordered (yes I’m still addicted to tailor made clothes and I’m converting Wolfram). I had some short sleeves shirts made as summer is coming up. They look great. And so did Wolfram who liked so much the ones he had made that he ordered some more, this time long sleeves. Our new shirts in hand we rushed back home to pick up the luggage. Destination Manila, Philippines. Why you would ask?
Monika did a great job at selling Boracay so we booked ourselves a little trip to a tropical white beach.
Boracay is a small island in the Philippines and is famous for its white beaches and palm trees.

We took my now regular flight to Manila via Xiamen. I still don’t understand the point of getting the whole of us to step out of the aircraft and back in 20min later. What can I say? It’s China :)
After a slightly shaky flight (we had quite some turbulence) we landed in Manila. Guess what? It was raining. A lot! Not just a bit, a real tropical thunderstorm with at least 20cm of water on the roads. Tough start for our stay in the tropics.
I had booked my favorite hotel in Manila: The Peninsula. Unfortunately we couldn't really enjoy it as we had a little less than 7 hours to spend there. Early flight to Boracay the next morning. And sadly our room had a communicating door with the room next door and we could hear all the phone calls and self talking of an American man ("man, I have a fax!!!" he screamed at some point... never too late to get amazed by technology).

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