Friday, October 19, 2012

Making the best of the day

Today we went back to our apartment with the objective to put it in shape. Maybe that was over-estimating the task ahead of us given at the end of the day it's still a mess. A little less messy than yesterday but still very chaotic.
This said today we did a lot:
- we removed all the clothes from our bed and put them into the wardrobe.
- Wolfram folded all the bed-sheets and towels which are now neatly stored in the wardrobe of the guest room. In the meantime I organized the storage room.
- all the coats and winter clothes are stored away
- after moving some of furniture around several time we settled back on the first set up. I do feel a bit guilty that I was sitting while Wolfram was moving them around. But he said that's one of the advantages of being married: a husband to carry things for me.
- we explored Thomson Plazza the nearby shopping mall and had lunch in the food court there. This shopping mall turned out bigger than we thought, has a small DIY shop and a big supermarket. While we were there we bought some of our basic non perishables and organized a delivery for tomorrow. As or 150 S$ delivery is free. Something tells me we will make use of that to transport all the heavy things, actually most likely everything that's non perishable.
- we walked back from Thomson Plazza allowing us to explore the different shops and restaurants within 10-15min walk from our place
- we attended the "Oktober Feist" organized by the four Germans at work. A big success based on the number of people who came. Most likely attracted by the free German beer.
- we paid another visit to Ikea to buy a few more things we needed including shelves to transform our shoe wardrobe into shelving. The beauty of Pax is that we can transform them almost indefinitely. Like many people we took a taxi to get back home with our Ikea boxes.
- we sorted out a few more things until 9pm when we decided it was time for a break and maybe some dinner.

On top both Internet and phone are working since yesterday. I have to say I have never been connected to the Internet so fast in a new apartment.

Place is still a mess but we've made progress today. Tomorrow we get back to it.

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