Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Employment Pass application

Today we had our appointments for applying for the Employment Pass scheduled. The Employment Pass is a sort of work permit / resident card combined that foreigners need to have to live and work in Singapore.
We arrived there in advance as we were told to do so and also because we needed ID pictures. Based on my experience in China I didn't bother making ID pictures in Belgium before leaving because they are usually for a reason or another not suited for other countries when it comes to documents.
It took S$6 and 3 minutes to get 4 pictures.
After that we scanned our application bar code at the entrance of the office, waited 5 minutes, and proceeded to a counter where an officer took care of each of us.
The "toughest" part was the scanning of the fingerprint of each thumb. For some reason, my fingers were too dry and Wolfram's too wet. It took several scans until the quality of the fingerprints was judged acceptable.
In total it took us less than 15 minutes to complete the whole process and be on our way out. The card will be ready on Saturday (yes they are open on Saturdays).
If that's not the dream administration, I don't know what it is.

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