Friday, September 28, 2012

A few facts about Singapore

When moving to a new country, it's always good to learn a few facts about it. After almost one month in Singapore, here are a few facts that I've read or been told.

Singapore is among the 20 smallest countries in the world, with a total land area of just 683 square kilometers. Yes, each time I move to a new country it's a smaller one: France to Italy to Belgium to Singapore. Maybe next one will be Monaco or the Vatican.

Singapore's average daily temperature is 26.7 C. I can confirm that it's nice and warm no matter the time of the day. The only time when I'm cold is actually indoor because of the air conditioning. Somehow the it's a complete different mindset to be col inside and warm outside. In Belgium and most of northern Europe, it's usually the other way around.

Singapore has over 300 bird species. While so far I haven't seen many of them, I've heard them in the evening. It sounds like thousands of birds are sitting on the trees simging even if it's hard to see them. I guess a visit to the bird park will fix that.

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