Saturday, October 30, 2010

Lemon drop or the 1st cocktail prepared by Wolfram

Wolfram received some time ago the full equipment to make cocktails. So far, everything was nicely sitting in a cupboard. But tonight, it's different. Tonight is the night when Wolfram will make his very first cocktail (under the teaching of Yann).
Of course I thoroughly documented the event:

Step 1: getting the tools, the ingredients and the recipe
Step 2: squeezing the lemon
 Step 3: pouring the different ingredients, measuring with precision (i.e. clarify whether the line above or below that is the right dosing line)
Having the right vodka is key as this is a vodka based cocktail.
 Step 4: Adding the crushed ice.
 Step 5: Shaking until shaker is all frozen on the outside (in rythm with "Shake it, shake it, shake it like a polaroid picture"... if you don't get the reference, ask Wolfram).
 (and if your hands get too cold, use a towel to hold the shaker)

Step 6: Voila!
Verdict: excellent! So good we went for another round.

PS: Later on Wolfram also learned how to make Mojitos. I can already foresee cocktail nights!
PS2: Can't wait for the juggling... you know, like in Cocktail, the movie with Tom Cruise.

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