Tuesday, May 4, 2010


For the past 10 days we’ve put in place a net to prevent the kittens to access upstairs at night. So far it was not successful. As much as we block them from coming up when we go to bed, they every time find a way to breach and wake us up at the dawn of the day.
Interestingly Wolfram’s motivation in making the net work has not diminished what so ever. Every night he fixes it in a different way and tells me: “this time they can’t breach! I’m 100% sure of it”
Each time we fall asleep with hope and every morning, Mokka is there, usually followed by Muffin.
Somehow they find a way to breach, every time.
Clearly a fight of smartness is on going between the man of the house and the 2 kittens. Any one wants to bet on who’s going to win?

1 comment:

Bernhard said...

Who's going to win? - The cats. ... and be it just by wrecking havoc downstairs.