Monday, May 10, 2010

The day when Muffin disappeared

This morning my Dad let Muffin and Mokka out so they could play in the garden.
Mokka, not the bravest cat on the planet, explored around the door and quickly came back in.
Muffin, on the other hand, started to chase butterflies and other flies in the garden. Following one of them he disappeared from my parents' sight and from the garden.
We searched briefly in the morning but no Muffin. Everyone had to leave for work / hospital so we left leaving the cat outside somewhere.
Came lunch time, we searched and called again. Without any success. Already wondering whether we would come back to Belgium with one cat or 2.
After the afternoon out, when we arrived my mother told us she heard him but wasn't sure where. So there we go the 3 of us calling him and discovering him on the other side of the wire fencing. Somehow he made his way through but didn't want to come back or didn't find his way back (we're still debating on why he stayed on the other side). After some bushes climbing, cat catching and a few scratches we successfully brought him back in.
Obviously we are happy to have him back.
Obviously he is not happy to be locked in.
Obviously Mokka was pissed he left her behind and is giving him a hard time.
It's cats' war time in the house...

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