Friday, May 21, 2010

Food for Foodies

Today at 11:30am my section left the office. Finally we were going to have our xmas event (yes we know it's already May, but life being life today was the only slot we could all make it).
Destination: Food for foodies in Antwerpen.
The plan was to have a small snack and then go for a walk in Antwerpen to buy all the food supply we need. Once the shopping is done we would cook and eventually eat.
Indeed after a quick lunch eating consisting of 2 Turkish starters we took off for the shopping. We walked in the area and visited several grocery stores: one African, one Moroccan, one Russian, and one Turkish. It's actually amazing to find such grocery stores right there in the neighborhood. I'm guessing you can find all the specific / exotic ingredients you want to cook just like home. Might be a bit expensive for some, but potentially you can find everything. What was also nice is that the lady in charge explained to us most of those exotic fruits and vegetables. You know, those ones you've seen many times in shops but never dared to ask what to do with them.
Once shopping was completed we split into 3 teams and each of them prepared a dish: one from sub-Sahara Africa, one from Morocco and one from Poland. It was big fun to chop and cook altogether. It was even better when we ate what we prepared. It was really really good... and the crazy thing is that it was pretty simple to prepare. Just need the right ingredients, I guess :)
Now, how do we convince our boss to do that every Friday???

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