Sunday, February 28, 2010

I'm soooooooooooo tired

Last night our neighbours had some people over. No idea how many but they were noisy. It was ok as long as we were up and playing the Wii with Alice. It became less nice when we decided to go to bed and the noise was still there.
Of course we debated whether we should go knock on their door. Obviously we don't want to pass for those neighbours who always complain about the noise. So we tried to sleep. Again and again and again. Their noise was louder than the rain on the Velux despite it was heavy rain.
At 5:30am where Wolfram got fed up with it and told them to stop making noise.
At 6am they stopped and we finally fell asleep.

Something tells me we will have a long nap this afternoon.

PS: don't know why but I feel like getting a wood board and a hammer, and make noise for 30 minutes so they can't sleep as well this morning. I believe it's called revenge. Grrrrr!

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