Saturday, January 23, 2010

Almost there

My apartment is as good as finished. After a trip to the container park by my place, we've removed everything yesterday and only the things I want to donate are left. Quite some things actually: a convertible sofa, many book shelves, tons of plates and glasses, a fan, 3 chairs, and more. Scary how much you accumulate over the years. Well moving in also forces to make a selection as obviously we cannot have everything in double :)
As I get ready to give back my apartment, I can't help feeling a knot in my stomach. After all, I've spent many years in it and have many memories linked to it... Time to move on :)
Today, we've made significant progress at Wolfram's place. All what was to trash is gone, all what is to donate is collected in one room, kitchen is packed (bringing the inevitable question of which plate or glass we will keep). We're getting there.
If everything works fine we will be done with moving out by the end of the coming week. Then we focus fully on the new apartment.

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