Sunday, July 5, 2009

Transformers 2 and Ice age 3

It’s the summer and naturally it’s time for the next episode of several movies: Transformers 2, Ice age 3, Harry Potter 6 and so on.

On Tuesday we saw Transformers 2, typical action movie but entertaining enough to keep me awake despite the jetlag. Movie was predictable, of course the bad guys come back and the good ones will win in the end but still a good movie.
Saturday was Ice age 3 which was as funny as the previous ones, introducing new a new character and a few dinosaurs (some quite nasty by the way).
Wolfram had booked the movie in 3D, but honestly the movie was not specially designed for 3D so it did not bring much. Beside that technical detail, movie is worth seeing: good laugh guarantee.

Can’t wait for the next Harry Potter :)

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