Friday, July 3, 2009

Souvenir from the past

About 4 years ago I graduated from my PhD. Some of you will remember it.
Last night I found a letter from the University Pierre Mendes France from Grenoble. Now I don’t know anyone working there so why would they write to me. The answer was in the envelope, of course. That University hosts the National Department for Reproducing PhD Thesis. Naturally they host mine. Currently my PhD thesis are stored on microfilms, which they kindly sent to me (see picture, each black spot is a page of my report). Given that microfilms are becoming outdated they want to move out of it and publish PhD thesis on the internet. Of course I need to authorize this.
Seems like the storage of PhD thesis is entering the 21st century :)

Feels weird to receive those microfilms. So much has happened in my life in the past 4 years that it's almost like the time I was working on my PhD was a different life ages ago. Obviously I've been busy since graduation and have enjoyed every moment of it (or almost :))
PS: does anyone have a machine to read microfilms?

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