Sunday, January 20, 2013

One big box

As we bought our sofa we were entitled to two gifts:
- a red gift box
- tickets for the lucky draw to win, maybe a car.

Wolfram diligently filled up all the tickets and used all his positive thinking to influence the upcoming lucky draw. Who knows, we might win a car and in Singapore that's an even bigger win than everywhere else.

The red gift box was full of air. It contains a few envelopes to be used during Chinese New Year to give money to relatives or acquaintances or helper. If you ask me, that box is a waste of space and carton but again it's Asia. It's all in the way it looks.


Anonymous said...

I actually have no idea why I am SMILING on the prospect of winning a Citroën. A Citroën! Even a Bicky Burger would be better...

Patricia said...

good luck!