Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Making an appointment to the doctor

It's January and that's usually the time of the year that I do all the medical controls. This way it's done for the year.
This year, I am in Singapore which means:
- I need to find new doctors
- I need to figure out how to get reimbursed
On the first one, we stopped by at one of the approved clinic near the office to make an appointment. And failed. One has to call. I got out of there with one page full of names and specialties and numbers. Better know what you need.
Later during the day I checked online, found a number and called. That didn't work either.
What worked was to fill in the online tool to request an appointment. 2 hours later I had an SMS with a day and a time.
While I'm quite impressed by the online booking system, I'm still annoyed that I couldn't simply talk to someone.
On the second one, we will see tomorrow once I have my first bill. And yes I managed to get an appointment for the following day, which is also impressive.
Let's hope the doctor is any good.

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