Thursday, November 12, 2009


I'm on my way back home, driving on Chaussee d'Ixelles when somebody knocks on my window. I'm surprised, suspicious, and turn around to find a girl waving at me. I open the window and she tells me I have a flat tire.
Indeed my right rear tire is looking pretty flat. I call Wolfram for immediate rescue. I could change the tire, did it once already in the past, but it's always nicer to get someone else to do it. He steps out of his Dutch class to come help me.
Somehow I made it to the nearest Shell gas station, actually the first spot I could stop and not block the street. Under bright light it looks even worse... for sure there was not much air left in that tire.
I'm standing there waiting when Wolfram calls me to let me know where he stands... still 10 minutes at least to wait.
I'm already scared at the thought of having to buy 2 new tires... after all those are almost new, only 36000 km or so :(
And suddenly a voice: "do you need help?" A man was right there offering help :)
I explain that I already called my boyfriend and that he's coming over. When I told him he was 10 minutes away he went to my open trunk and said "I'll be faster than that!"
And he was, in less than 5 minutes the flat tire was changed for the donut, he had shown me the screw that was responsible for this mess and told me most likely it can be fixed without having to change tires.
He also gave me the name of the garage where he works telling to pass by tomorrow so they can fix my tire (cheaper than Nissan). I guess I'll go there after picking up Daad at the station. I'm sure she'll be happy to start her Belgium visit by a garage.
What can I say that was very welcome unexpected help.
NB: 5 minutes later Wolfram arrived, very appreciated as well that he dropped everything to come to my rescue.

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