Saturday, December 24, 2011

A Christmas away from home

Traditionally my family meets at my parents for Christmas. There have been a few exceptions throughout the years. One of them was the first year I was in Belgium. This year is another one.
We all (except Wolfram) flew to Canada where my brother and Lisa now live. This year we’re spending Christmas in Blue Mountain, a ski resort. This year we are having a white Christmas. When you live in Brittany chances of a white Christmas are low, therefore whenever it happens we are all excited.
Obviously we have to adapt to being away from my parents’ home in the way we celebrate Christmas. This said, some elements are no miss so we figured something out:
-          Christmas tree: Jean-Habib brought a small plastic one. Not as nice as a real one big one, but at least there is a tree.
-          Small silver tree that decorates the TV since I can remember did come in a suitcase.
-          Christmas cookies: couldn’t travel with them so we bought already made cookie dough and will bake them. We also bought Christmas M&M’s to set the mood.
-          There will be turkey, Canadian one, but still turkey.
-          There will be Koulibiac on the 24th, with some adjustment to the recipe due to some ingredients hard to find but hopefully it will look (and taste?) like a Koulibiac.
-          Joy brought a couple of small Christmas table cloths and other decoration elements to set the scene.
-          There will be foie gras. Don’t ask how it made its way here.
-          Tons of Christmas music is available thanks to CDs and iPhones.
-          Puzzle was kindly provided by the locals
-          Last but not least, we will be altogether which is the most important.

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