Thursday, August 11, 2011

Love and Hate

They love me.
I hate them.
By them I mean bugs, especially mosquitoes.

I keep my distance, I spray huge amount of repulsive product on my skin to keep them away and they will strike right where the spray didn't get like the neck or the limit between skin and sock.
When I go hiking I feel under attack as they usually chase me. For example a green square bug had breakfast on me one morning leaving me with a bit that 12 hours later was the size of a tennis ball, despite all the anti-histaminic cream I could put on it.
A horse fly managed to sting me through the fabric of my pants.

They love my blood, that's the drama of my life and... the best mosquito repellant for anyone standing next to me. They will always pick me first.

PS: for the trip to Camargue, i.e. swamp, I re-applied the successful model from Mulu park and sprayed repellant on my entire body, including hair. No living being would stand within 1 meter from me, INCLUDING mosquitoes :) Smelling bad is the price to pay for peace in the swamps.

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