Sunday, August 28, 2011

Cowboys & Aliens

Last night, after an excellent dinner at, we had planned for a movie. We wanted to watch Super 8, but unfortunately it was sold out.
So Wolfram picked another one: Cowboys and Aliens.
With a title like that, you can guess that nothing good will come out of this movie. And you would be right.
It's incredible how bad it was. I would not even know where to start. The whole story didn't hold together. There was no logic between some parts and if you try to find a logical connection you would simply lose your mind on it.
Daniel Craig was as usual all about muscles and fighting, nothing about acting.
Why was Harrison Ford in this movie? I can't explain. Did he need money? Wanted to do a cowboy movie once in his life? Does not care anymore of his reputation?
In case you have seen Alien (the original series) and X-Files the movie, you pretty much know what will happen in this one. Only exception it's with cowboys, how original...

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