Sunday, April 24, 2011

The queen's greenhouse

Every year around end of April, the queen of Belgium opens her greenhouse to the public. For 2.5 Euros one can walk around in her greenhouse and enjoy the flowers blooming in the Spring. The money collected is donated to a charity organization and hundreds of thousands people come to have a peak at the palace from the garden.

Truth be told the queen has a pretty nice collection of flowers in her greenhouse and I enjoy visiting it every year. This time Wolfram lent me his macro lens so I could do some close-ups on flowers.

Empowered with this heavy lens and my brand new flash, I tried my best to get a perfectly sharp picture of at least one flower. I even stepped away from the P mode and dared the Av mode… but only under supervision :)

I’m afraid I never reached perfection but as agreed with Wolfram’s father the most important is that to most eyes my pictures are ok… if they are not meeting Wolfram’s sharpness criteria, I can always blame it on the photographer (me) or the camera (a modest Canon 450D).

PS: while waiting for someone I happened to be rightly positioned for a few shots of a bug of some sort getting pollen in the rhododendron behind me. Sometimes one can get lucky :)

1 comment:

Leo said...

Great pictures! You see, it's not the photographer - it's always the gear :)

I love the photo of the light reflection in the greenhouse windows and the photos with shallow depth of field have a great bokeh and nicely separate the flowers from the background.