Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Yosemite - A few things you should keep in mind

Keep wildlife wild
Respect animals at a distance. Never feed or approach them. Animals that get human food may lose their fear of people and become dangerous. 
--- This is extremely difficult to do with squirrels. Those guys spot you right away when you get food out of the bag and not only follow you but really become pushy. Like Janet said: "squirrels are like rats, just cuter"
Just to prove the point (and I ate the cookie!)

Squirrels are really insisting each time they see you getting any food. They clearly don’t fear people anymore and figured out that we have food.

Mountains lions live here. As in the Grand Canyon one could potentially encounter a mountain lion. Should this happen remember one thing: shout, wave, throw stones. The idea is to make you look as big as possible. Attacks are rare, but if you are attacked, fight back. Should be a pretty straightforward reaction.

Rivers and waterfalls are beautiful but treacherous. Be alert for undercut banks and slippery rocks. Something definitely to keep in mind should you consider walking off trails and for example, cross a river.

Just a few recommendations from the National Park to preserve the wilderness of Yosemite.

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