Saturday, September 25, 2010

I start to worry

Since we've bought the new TV we cannot help notice that we need a better piece of furniture to put it on. Ideally with spots for the DVD player, the Wii and the cable box. Even more ideally with closed compartments where we can put all the DVDs. I'm not a big fan of having a rainbow of DVDs piled up and given the number we have it looks pretty messy (to my taste).
A couple of months ago we made a trip to Ikea looking for something and came back empty handed. Nothing fitting the challenging list of our criteria and tastes and wishes for the style of the living room.
Today we gave it another shot and went to a furniture shop along the A12 spotted some time ago. Getting there was not straightforward as we didn't remember exactly where it was but after driving all the way to Antwerp and back (we missed it) we finally arrived.
Shop was big (3 floors) and selection looked good. We started to walk around spotting a few pieces here and there. But no price. It's one of these shops where they don't see the value of putting price tags. They expect you to ask a salesperson for the price. When we finally did it, a lady came with the catalog and a calculator. Apparently she had to calculate the price. Just 2000 Euros or so for a TV furniture. Nicely she offered 15% discount. Still, way toooooooooo expensive for us. I enjoyed browsing in the place but honestly if we had known the prices we would have saved time. Especially as the furniture was definitely not worth so much money.
Pissed off we drove to Woluwe Shopping Center to check out Habitat. Another waste of time, they didn’t even have anything suitable.
This afternoon leaves me with a scary feeling: where will we find TV furniture of decent quality at a decent price? Something tells me we’ll have to cross a border or 2.

PS: to bring back a smile on Wolfram’s face, he bought himself a Nespresso machine. For months he’s been talking about it, now it’s standing in the kitchen and it's red.
PS2: on top we bought the Tupperware cheese box we talked about with my parents last week-end. Next time they come and bring half the cheese of France, we’re ready!

1 comment:

Patzi said...

It's pretty simple. Just have Wolfram build one. It will only cost a fraction of the one in the store and it will be exactly the one you like and need.