Thursday, September 9, 2010

What now?

Debate with myself in the darkest hours of the night:
- I have to pee.
- It's 4am and it's dark outside.
- Yes but I have to pee.
- I'm nicely warm in the sleeping bag and it's cold outside.
- Sure but I really have to pee
- There could be a bear out there (like in the story Janet told us)
- I really really really have to go.
- OK then
So I opened the sleeping bag (so coooooold, brrrrrrrr), grab my sweater and shoes when a voice coming from the other side of the bed offered: "do you want me to come with you?"
"YES!" I mean you never know what's out there.
4:10am, 2 freezing shadows ran to the nearby toilets with their flashlight, peed so fast you have no idea and came back.
They did take 30s to look at the sky and acknowledge the millions of stars up there. Beautiful but it was too cold to stay any longer.
4:15am, back in bed, warming up and ready for a bit more sleep.

PS: Thx Honey for putting your life at risk and being reading to defend myself against a bear.

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