Friday, April 30, 2010


Whenever we start a new project at work, the project owner can choose a name for it. For big projects there are rules like should be a name of a star (e.g. Orion) or a diamond (e.g. Excelsior) or a cartoon (e.g. Goldorak) or a beer (e.g. Leef) and many more. Some project names are really cool some are so so but each project has to have a name, right.
Last week a new project came on the table and its leader gave it the name Stardust. Having no clue where this is coming from, I naturally googled it. It turned out that Stardust is the title of a fantasy book which has been adapted in a movie. To my big surprise I discovered that one of the characters, played by Michelle Pfeiffer, is called Lamia!
"Michelle Pfeiffer as Lamia, the witch-queen who attempts to cut out and steal Yvaine's heart to gain immortality as well as regain her beauty."
On good days she looks very pretty.

But on bad days, she is slightly scarier.

Of course, everybody in the office now, says they should be careful with this project... afraid I would turn out like an evil witch :)

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