Saturday, April 17, 2010

Keukenhof, finally

I've been living in Belgium for several years now and every years when springs comes, there 2 things that you should not miss:
- the royal greenhouses in Laeken, opening only for a few weeks in April-May
- the fields of tulips in Holland, namely Keukenhof.
While I've been to the royal greenhouses several times already and love going back, I had never been to the tulips. Main reason is that it's a 2-hour drive and you would only make the trip when you have visitors and good weather within the months of April and May... Not necessarily the easiest combination.
This week-end Joy and Yann were visiting and agreed to make the trip.
We all left this morning in their brand new Mazda 3 direction the tulips. Sadly the 2-hour drive became a 3-hour trip. Believe it or not but on a sunny Saturday there are many road works creating traffic jam. Not to mention the road to access Keukenhof is a single lane road, naturally packed with cars.
Now those tulips better be worth 3 hours in the car!

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