This morning while driving to work on the A12 (i.e. on a highway full speed) I saw something on the road. From far it looked like a big rock, or a wheel, or a box or anything big enough and grey to be noticed from far away and bouncing on the road.
Quickly assessing the situation there was not way to avoid it as 1) the car next to me was right there and 2) so was the car behind me. I did try to break down at least a bit but nothing could avoid the shock. This reminded me of the case study when you learn how to drive when they tell you if there is an animal on the road (like a deer) you'd better hit it than avoiding it as you could create a bigger accident than just killing the poor beast. You would wonder how much thinking your brain is capable of in the few seconds before the collision. For sure processing info full speed.
So here we go, I know the shock will come, can't help it. Still hoping this guy on my right would somehow move faster or slower so I can change line. But no.
And there it came, with that awful sound. I can already picture the bump on the car given the speed and the size of the object :(
It was one of those small carry on container that you can put on a motorbike. Must have fell from the motorbike that by-passed me not so long ago. Grrr... how come that thing was not properly fixed? they should not fall! I guess we were lucky that it was empty and not full.
After yelling at whomever could hear me and highly upset, we arrived at work and stepped out of the car to assess the damage.
Well, it's not that bad. Just a bump on the bumper (isn't it why we have them), quite some scratches and some paint gone. It could have been worse.
And we are lucky it's just the bumper damaged. Could have been way worse and no one was injured.
Still, I'm pissed of. What a bad way to start the day.
Maybe I should buy a SUV with one of those huge bumpers that nothing can damage... Food for thought.