Saturday, September 26, 2009


Having had no time to visit a pet store during the week I asked Wolfram if we could go to one while in Germany to buy necklaces, anti-flees product and other cat food.
He took me to Fressnapf and we quickly found what we needed. Comes the moment to pay: “no credit cards”! No panic I give my Maestro card. No chance either because it’s a foreign card. Luckily the place was next to a bank so we could go get some cash and pay.
Still, this is Germany, a modern developed country in principle and I cannot pay with my credit card!
Poor Wolfram he tried to explain that because there are commissions when you use credit cards, and shops are trying to get their prices as low as possible, bla bla bla… they don’t accept credit card. I’m not convinced…
Later that day Wolfram was buying a shirt in an outlet shop and guess what… no credit card either. This time still he could use his Belgian Maestro but not without hearing all about the fact that the commission will be higher because it’s a foreign card. Do people want to sell, I wonder? Maybe yes, but not to foreigners obviously.
After lunch we visited the local mall and stopped by Mediamarkt to buy a couple of things (I now have a Wii bag for my Wii so it can safely travel from my place to others). Of course, no credit cards accepted. I can very well picture myself buying a flat screen or a washing machine cash… Anyway this time on top I had to show my ID to prove I hadn’t stolen the card.
Next time, I’ll go spend my money in another country, one that accept credit cards :)

1 comment:

Bernhard said...

On the other hand, consider that Germans generally are pretty good about not going into debt. If you don't have the money to buy that big screen TV, you simply don't buy it.

If I compare that to the situation here in California ... oy oy oy.