Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Being sick on a business trip is not fun :(

It started on Sunday night when I woke up at 3am because my throat was hurting and I couldn’t breeze. Then on Monday on top of my stomach & co being messed up, I had a running nose. Everybody was joking as how could I catch a cold when I come to a warmer country (fair question). Monday afternoon was worse as I started to shiver and feel very tired. Knowing me this meant fever. I went back to the hotel after the interviews, straight to bed and slept. I hate being sick on business trip because you’re not in your home, not in your bed, I didn’t have all my pharmacy with me (as much as I was prepared for stomach, fever I hadn’t anticipated), I had to call the room service to get something to drink. I was somehow happy when I realized I had 2 sachets of aspirin with me which helped getting reed of the fever finally at 4am. Tuesday morning, I’m exhausted but I feel better. I really wish I was home and not in a hotel room, and that I could stay in bed and/or watch movies instead of going to the research…

1 comment:

rajah said...

never travel without your "trousse de pharmacie" says a wise old owl