Sunday, June 8, 2014

Another weekend has passed

Another weekend has passed and I seriously wonder where does the time disappear?

True we've been busy: dentist which took two hours no less for the two of us, grocery shopping, interviewing a candidate to replace Tess (definitely not the right girl for us... So shy it was hard to hear the few words she eventually spoke and no recent experience with babies), exercise (still desesperatly trying to get back in shape), visiting one apartment which turned out to be a waste of time as the place was too old, playing with Oskar and walking along as our little boy is very keen to be mobile....

Yet Oskar woke us up at 4:40am today so that's a lot of extra time that somehow disappeared.

As often lately I find myself on Sunday night wondering what happened to my weekend and whether I will ever get the chance to rest or even better: do nothing!
But that will have to wait until Oskar goes to university. Until then weekends will be packed.

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