Saturday, October 12, 2013

He eats, he poops, he sleeps

He eats often, every 3 hours or so.
He poops not that often, maybe 2-3 times a day. But don't worry he compensates by peeing a lot and demanding frequent diaper changes. Pampers' business is secured with Oskar.
He sleeps, not as much as we would want him to. When we are lucky he sleeps 3 hours in a row. But most of the times, it's more 30 minutes at a time. Why? because diaper gets wet and/or there is a burp that has not come out. If there is something we've learned over the past two weeks, it is that there is always a burp hidden somewhere in the little belly. Sometimes even two :(
He cries a lot: because he's hungry, his diaper is dirty, he has to burp, he is tired, he is very tired because he has not slept in 6 hours, he is lonely, and many other mysterious reasons. It's incredible how loud such a small baby can be.
Bottom line, it's very stressful for the new parents. We are both tired (exhausted) and sometimes desperate as we don't know what to do. There are moments I forget what time of the day (or what day) it is. It's always the same routine over and over (and over) again.

Yet, sooner or later, Oskar looks at us with his cute face and our hearts melt. Nature has done a great job at wiring us to quickly forget the massive poop and crying and only remember the cute faces and big eyes staring at you.

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