Saturday, June 16, 2012

Yellow tomatoes

Yesterday while grocery shopping I spotted something unusual: yellow tomatoes. Intrigued, I thought why not.

While they look funny in the pack, once in the plate or prepared, something is weird. They just look too pale. Like tomatoes which would have missed sunlight.
Taste wise: not quite there either. Now what I keep wondering is whether they taste different because it's a different variety of tomatoes or because my brain is playing tricks on me. It looks like a tomato, but it's yellow, therefore must taste different.

Conclusion of this trial: not sure I'll buy yellow tomatoes again, maybe in cherry size but not big ones for cooking.
But at least I can claim I tried something new this week :)

1 comment:

Patzi said...

I have grown some delicious yellow tomatoes, very different tasting from the ones you get in supermarket etc.
I also love the zebra ones and the green tomatoes (they are ripe and stay green).
All kinds are heirloom, that makes a huge different in taste and texture. Maybe you should try a farmers market next time.