Monday, June 18, 2012

A vendre!

With the move to Singapore, tough decisions have to be made, like the cats not coming with us, and a lot of sorting is needed.
A move is always a good time to sort one's belonging, a move so far away means many things will not come with us. For example, with an average temperature always higher than 20C, there is no point bringing the whole winter clothe collection. Which if you ask me is a pitty. My brain simply refuses  to make choices when it comes to clothes, even more for shoes.
While I struggle with the content of my wardrobe, the reality is that the wardrobe will not be coming as most apartment overthere have built-in cabinets.
So this weekend we made the list. The list of all the furniture we will not take with us due to a smaller apartment waiting for us. After spending more than two years in this apartment composing with the furniture we each brought or buying new ones, it feels like going back to square one. It took us some time to be fully settled in and now we're moving again. That's life :)
Hopefully we will manage to sell most of the furniture not coming with us. If not, we'll give it to people who need it.

In case you need shelves or CD rack... send us a message.

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