Saturday, November 12, 2011

Same same but different

Whoever has been to Asia will understand instantly the meaning of "same same but different".
For those who haven't been to Asia it is used by people to describe something they sell, to help you understand what it is. It's different because it's cheaper, less good quality, actually really different. For example, a fake Gucci bag is "same same" as a real Gucci bag but "different" because it's not a real one. Or, if you see the same T-shirt in a stand on the market it is indeed "same same" but will be "different" because it's better quality or cheaper.
Alice and I are to the eyes of Thai people "same same but different" simply because for them all westerns look the same. The same way we struggle to differentiate between Asian people.
It's so known from foreigners that they even made a T-shirt of it.

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