Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Difficult movie selection

As I started my flight to the US I quickly realized that 1) the movie selection was limited compared to other transatlantic flights and 2) the selection was not really appealing.
And difficult indeed it turned out to find a movie to watch.
I started with Midnight in Paris, which I wanted to see in the movie theater but never got there. I guess it was a good thing as I gave up half way through. Sadly it was another Woody Allen movie that led nowhere.
After long hesitation I tried the Bridesmaids as I had heard from many people that it was not as bad as it sounded. Well it was bad. I gave up after 20min.
I tried Battle Los Angeles… and gave up after 20min of no action.
Considered Hanna but based on what I could see from my neighbor’s screen it was not too scary / bloody for an in-flight movie.
Desperate, I started Tree of Life. The movie was super weird but strangely beautiful and captured me until the end. Not the most entertaining but much better than anything else in the selection.
Good thing is that I used up my 2 laptop batteries, started and finished 1 book.
For once I did more than just watch movies.

I hope the selection will be better on the way back.


Bernhard Beck said...

While I usually don't care for the movies on domestic flights, I was surprised to realize I actually wanted to watch the movie on my recent flight to Boston: "Rio". Quite funny.

On the way back, "Kung Fu Panda 2". Not as good as the first one, but still very watchable.


Hmmmm, I guess I'm easily entertained.

Lamia said...

I wish there would have been Kung Fu Panda 2 :)
Rio was in the menu so I'll give it a try on the way back :)
When are you flying to Europe? or are you already there?

Bernhard Beck said...

I'm flying on the 19th. Enjoy your stay in the US.