Friday, July 22, 2011

Sadly it’s broken

Last night an alarming sound woke us up. Broken glass.
The cats had managed to break the vase with flowers. I’m pretty sure it was Mokka as she was always playing with the flowers but in the absence of evidence I will not make any formal accusation.

That vase was a gift from my sister and my brother. I received it one of the first Christmases I was in Paris. It was in crystal and weighted at least 2kg. It was so heavy when filled with water I needed my 2 hands to carry it.
I still remember flying back to Paris with it in my hand luggage and having people telling me it could be considered as a weapon because it’s glass. Given the effort it would require from me to throw it at any one, it’s very unlikely I would use it as a weapon. Not to mention why would I want to break my vase?

Anyhow last night, one of the cats somehow pushed the vase or the flowers or both and it fell on the tiles, breaking in millions of pieces. Wolfram and I cleaned up the mess in the middle of the night. Good bye my beloved vase and with it the beautiful flowers I received for our 3-year anniversary.
Like my Dad always says when something is broken, it's an opportunity to get a new one.
Next time Wolfram gets me flowers, he will have to get me a vase as well.

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